Our Predator Proof Duck Enclosure & Chicken Pen

Building Out the Duck Enclosure with Pond

The structure itself measures 28′ x 20′ and is divided into 2 pens. We decided on building a predator proof duck enclosure with treated lumber, 1/2″ hardware cloth and concrete blocks. The first pen will measure 14’x 20′ and will house the ducks as well as additional chickens. The other section will be house our roosters keeping them separated from the hens. We have had the opportunity to have some roosters that are bit overly ” roostery 😉 ” with the hens and feel it was best if they had a separate enclosure.

When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.

James Whitcomb Riley


The rabbits have now been moved into their new permanent housing. A dual level coop and hardware clothed enclosure.

Predator Proofing the Duck Enclosure

The duck and chicken enclosure has been modeled a lot after the same concepts as the predator proof chicken coop. Both structures are built to be powered completely off-grid utilizing a bank of 100w solar panels and deep cycle marine batteries. The entire structure is secured using 1/2″ hardware cloth while the frame rests atop concrete block footing to ensure the safety of our animals within the duck enclosure.

Auto Watering System for Ducks & Chickens

We used a predator-proof-garbage to hold the water that feeds all the animal watering stations throughout the enclosure.

Solar Powered Lighting Duck Pen

The motion activated solar lights we used work surprisingly well illuminating the entire perimeter and interior of the pens at night.

The Duck Pond & Filtration

Our enclosed duck pond measures approx. 10′ x 6′ with a depth of 3′. After only a week of the ducks in the pond we started to notice the “duck smell” so we added a new filtration system that will hopefully allow us to maintain the water parameters a little more closely.

After a couple attempts to resolve the water issue, we have upgraded to a slightly easier system to maintain.

We used 1.5″ pond water tubing for the install to help reduced any chance of build up and to ease flow. The return pump is encased in DIY Filter sleeve made up of a plastic pond planter and some clay media we had laying around.

This combination will hopefully enable us to easily flush the system to clean out the gunk and provide a better quality of water for the ducks.

Predator Proof Duck Pond & Chicken Enclosure

Funny Duck Shirts and Farm Apparel

Looking for a gift for someone who really loves ducks? Well alas you have found us! duck Shirts, duck Gifts, duck Apparel and more available in our country store. We continue to update regularly so make sure to sign up for our newsletter and check back often! Looking for something specific? Let us know and we can make it! In addition your purchase helps us to continue care for the animals that reside here and they are always appreciative!

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