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Like most farms there is always a never ending list of projects to complete. At Maizey Meadows it’s no different.

Duck Pond & Enclosure

Duck pond and Coop built to house our resident ducks, turkeys & rabbit. Measuring 28’x20′ the hardware cloth enclosure consists of 3 separated pens and some useful hardware to ensure security & safety.

New Lamb on the Farm

Who would have thought a trip out to the auction grounds would have taken such a pleasant turn. An uncertain future for both momma and baby after giving birth moments before the bidding begins.

Update: Momma and baby are settling in nicely on the farm. Keeping a close eye on the pair in the critical early development stages.

Solar Chicken Coop / Run

After countless hours of scouring the web I found A LOT of very cool chicken coop designs, however I had a hard time finding a coop that one really sparked my interest and covered the main aspects of size and safety for our birds. I must have drawn up a dozen or so different designs before heading out to the local hardware store for supplies.

When building a chicken coop there are a 2 main factors to consider in order to protect your flock from: 
Weather and Predators.

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