rab·bit /ˈrabət/ noun
a burrowing, gregarious, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail.
Bunny 101: Raising Rabbits
Rabbits make wonderful companions indoors and outdoors. Basic facts that most don’t know is that rabbits can be litter trained just like cats. They live to be about 7-10 years old. Rabbits are sociable and inquisitive animals. Spaying and neutering is recommended to improve behavior especially if you plan on having a few cuddle buddies.
Building an Outdoor Predator Proof Rabbit Enclosure
The duck an rabbit enclosure has been modeled a lot after the same concepts as the solar powered chicken coop. Both structures are built to be powered completely off-grid utilizing a bank of 100w solar panels and deep cycle marine batteries. The structure itself measures 28′ x 20′ and is divided into 3 pens. The first pen will measure 14’x 20′ and will house the ducks as well as additional chickens. The other half will be divided into 2 paddocks allowing the separation of male & female rabbits.